capsicum$11235$ - ορισμός. Τι είναι το capsicum$11235$
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Τι (ποιος) είναι capsicum$11235$ - ορισμός

Sport peppers; Mississippi sport pepper; Capsicum abyssinicum; Capsicum angulosum; Capsicum axi; Capsicum bauhinii; Capsicum caerulescens; Capsicum cerasiforme; Capsicum ceratocarpum; Capsicum cereolum; Capsicum comarim; Capsicum conoide; Ñora; Capsicum annum; C. annuum
  • Five colors of peppers in an Israeli supermarket

Capsicum frutescens         
  • Green ''Capsicum frutescens''
Capsicum frutescens L.; Long Hots
Capsicum frutescens is a wild chili pepper having genetic proximity to the cultivated pepper Capsicum chinense native to Central and South America. Pepper cultivars of C.
Pepper spray         
  • US Marines]] training after being exposed to pepper spray
  • Pepper spray demonstration
  • Police, like this Swedish police officer in riot gear at a 2007 demonstration, may use pepper spray to control civilians.
OC gas; OC spray; Oleoresin Capsicum spray; Oleoresin Capsicum gas; Capsicum Oleoresin; Pepper gas; Pepper spray ring; Oleoresin Capsicum; Pepperspray; Capsicum spray; Pepper Spray; Oleoresin capsicum; Pepper-spray; Pepper-sprayed; Pepper-spraying; O.C. spray; Pepper sprayed; OC sprays; Capsaicin spray; User:Noahperrin/sandbox; Capsaicin oleoresin; Capsicum oleoresin; OC Foam; Legality of pepper spray
Pepper spray, oleoresin capsicum spray, OC spray, capsaicin spray, capsicum spray, or mace is a lachrymatory agent (a compound that irritates the eyes to cause a burning sensation, pain, and temporary blindness) used in policing, riot control, crowd control, and self-defense, including defense against dogs and bears. Its inflammatory effects cause the eyes to close, temporarily taking away vision.
pepper spray         
  • US Marines]] training after being exposed to pepper spray
  • Pepper spray demonstration
  • Police, like this Swedish police officer in riot gear at a 2007 demonstration, may use pepper spray to control civilians.
OC gas; OC spray; Oleoresin Capsicum spray; Oleoresin Capsicum gas; Capsicum Oleoresin; Pepper gas; Pepper spray ring; Oleoresin Capsicum; Pepperspray; Capsicum spray; Pepper Spray; Oleoresin capsicum; Pepper-spray; Pepper-sprayed; Pepper-spraying; O.C. spray; Pepper sprayed; OC sprays; Capsaicin spray; User:Noahperrin/sandbox; Capsaicin oleoresin; Capsicum oleoresin; OC Foam; Legality of pepper spray
¦ noun an aerosol spray containing oils derived from cayenne pepper, irritant to the eyes and respiratory passages and used as a disabling weapon.


Capsicum annuum

Capsicum annuum is a species of the plant genus Capsicum native to southern North America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. This species is the most common and extensively cultivated of the five domesticated capsicums. The species encompasses a wide variety of shapes and sizes of peppers, including sweet bell peppers and some chili pepper varieties such as jalapeños, New Mexico chile, and cayenne peppers. Cultivars descended from the wild American bird pepper are still found in warmer regions of the Americas. In the past, some woody forms of this species have been called C. frutescens, but the features that were used to distinguish those forms appear in many populations of C. annuum and are not consistently recognizable features in C. frutescens species.